Muscle & Joint Relief: Juniper Berry Essential Oil

5 min to read
Karen Williams

Juniper Berry Oil: Creating Space for Peace

As the golden light of mid-October softens the horizon and the days grow shorter, nature gently invites us to slow down. The crisp air whispers that now is the time to pause, to savor the stillness, and to replenish ourselves. 

Yet, when pain lingers in the body, finding that much-needed peace can feel like an elusive goal. Juniper Berry essential oil—extracted from the ancient Juniperus communis—offers a natural remedy to help ease discomfort, grounding us in moments of calm without lowering our energy. In the same way trees prepare for winter by shedding what’s no longer needed, Juniper Berry offers us a gift for releasing tension and inflammation. The subtle scent of the essential oil brings balance to the mind, while its powerful anti-inflammatory properties work to soothe the body.

In this post, you’ll learn about Juniper Berry essential oil’s benefits for natural pain relief, including… 

  • How the oil affects the body to soothe inflammatory issues, including arthritis

  • A component that may reduce pain similar to NSAIDs

  • A simple 2-ingredient Juniper Berry recipe to soothe neck pain

Last week, I wrote about Juniper Berry’s use in history and its overall benefits. Now, I’m excited to explore its key components, α-pinene, and β-myrcene, which are both scientifically supported as potent aids in reducing inflammation and alleviating pain.

The Science: Juniper Berry Essential Oil’s Benefits


The monoterpene α-pinene is one of the primary components in Juniper Berry essential oil. It’s known for its anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving effects. A 2019 study found that α-pinene achieves this in a number of ways… 

  • Inhibiting pro-inflammatory molecules 

  • Reducing nitric oxide (a compound that promotes inflammation)

  • Blocking inflammatory pathways (such as the NF-kB pathway)

Studies like this typically use high doses of the molecules or substances they’re testing. The one I’m referencing here found that, even at high doses, α-pinene didn’t cause unwanted side effects.

Research has also shown that α-pinene can be helpful for chronic conditions like arthritis, and for other pain affecting joints and muscles.


Another powerful compound in Juniper Berry is β-myrcene, a monoterpene that also offers pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory benefits.

Research shows that β-myrcene can modulate pain pathways. It acts on pain receptors in the body, so your perception of pain isn’t as pronounced. Plus, it has a similar effect as NSAIDs—inhibiting prostaglandins (including COX-2—an enzyme involved in inflammation, which we wrote about here) that create sensations of pain.

When combined, α-pinene and β-myrcene create a synergistic effect. 

They work together to enhance Juniper Berry oil’s benefits for pain relief. 

When I look at an essential oil’s GC/MS report (which shows the molecules present in the oil), I love finding two powerhouse components present side-by-side, as we see with Juniper Berry. It tells me about the best therapeutic uses for the oil. I love using Juniper Berry for any pain related to muscles and joints.

Both components have also been shown to calm the nervous system. I’ll dive into that topic in an upcoming post. I just wanted to note here that in addition to the peace you can experience with pain relief, Juniper Berry actively supports a relaxed, grounded state.

Juniper Berry Essential Oil Safety

There are no safety guidelines specifically related to Juniper Berry oil (Juniperus communis). 

There has, however, been some confusion between Juniperus communis and Juniperus sabina—aka Savin oil. That led to the belief that Juniper Berry was unsafe during pregnancy. But the confusion has been sorted out, and I’m happy to say there’s no concern about this with Juniperus communis.

Just be sure to follow the safety guidelines for all essential oils, especially when making topical blends.

Juniper Berry Essential Oil Recipe

Juniper Berry Sore Neck Roll-On

This simple recipe is perfect for days when your neck and shoulders feel sore—perhaps after sleeping in an awkward position on your pillow. It offers relief while helping you stay grounded and present throughout your day.


  • 10 ml Jojoba oil (Simmondsia chinensis)

  • 6 drops Juniper Berry essential oil (Juniperus communis)


  1. Combine the jojoba and essential oil in a 10 ml roll-on bottle.

  2. Pop the roller ball top into place. 

  3. Gently shake to combine.

  4. Massage a small amount of the blend into your neck, shoulders, upper back, and perhaps your scalp. (Neck tension can affect the entire area.) Take a moment to inhale deeply and let the calming aroma guide you into stillness.

My Takeaway

Whether you're managing inflammation, soothing muscle tension, or simply seeking to restore your body’s natural harmony, Juniper Berry essential oil is one of my go-to allies. Its powerful blend of α-pinene and β-myrcene works in tandem to ease pain and bring lasting relief, gently guiding the body toward balance. For me, using Juniper Berry oil feels like a way of honoring the body’s needs, especially as the calm stillness of autumn invites us to slow down and recharge. It’s a natural way to find relief and reclaim that sense of peace we all deserve.

Aromatherapy Certification Program

Juniper Berry is one oil we study in this in-depth program. Whether you want to transform your career or just gain a thorough understanding of why essential oils work, our flagship course helps you master the art and science of blending your essential oils.


Ikei, H., Song, C., Miyazaki, Y. (2016). Effects of olfactory stimulation by α-pinene on autonomic nervous activity. Journal of Wood Science, 62(6). DOI:10.1007/s10086-016-1576-1

Rufino, AT., Ribeiro, M., Judas, F., Salgueiro, L., Lopes, MC., Cavaleiro, C., and Mendes, A.F. (2014). Anti-inflammatory and Chondoprotective Activity of (+)-α-Pinene: Structural and Enantiomeric Selectivity. Journal of Natural Products, 77 (2), 264-269

DOI: 10.1021/np400828x

Salehi, B., Upadhyay, S., Erdogan Orhan, I., Kumar Jugran, A., L D Jayaweera, S., A Dias, D., Sharopov, F., Taheri, Y., Martins, N., Baghalpour, N., Cho, W. C., & Sharifi-Rad, J. (2019). Therapeutic Potential of α- and β-Pinene: A Miracle Gift of Nature. Biomolecules, 9(11), 738.

Surendran, S., Qassadi, F., Surendran, G., Lilley, D., & Heinrich, M. (2021). Myrcene-What Are the Potential Health Benefits of This Flavouring and Aroma Agent?. Frontiers in nutrition, 8, 699666.

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